Readmission Rates (30-Day)

Cedars-Sinai monitors and reports the number of Medicare patients receiving treatment for heart attack, heart failure, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or stroke who need to come back to a hospital within 30 days of being discharged.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which collects these data, considers 30-day readmission rates to be an "outcome of care" measure. They show what happened after patients with certain conditions received care at a medical center. Such measures show how well a hospital is doing in preventing complications, educating patients about their care needs and helping patients make a smooth transition from the hospital to home or another type of care facility.

It should be noted that some readmissions are appropriate and medically necessary. The goal regarding readmissions and quality patient care is to assure that patient spends no more time in the hospital than is appropriate and medically necessary for their condition and health status.

Readmission rates are limited to people who have Medicare and who are 65 years old or older, and are "risk-adjusted," taking into consideration how sick the patients were when they were first admitted to the hospital.

The charts below compare 30-day readmission rates at Cedars-Sinai with national rates. For all conditions, a lower readmission rate is better than a higher one.

The rate at which patients being treated for a heart attack needed to be readmitted to Cedars-Sinai was statistically no different than that of the U.S. national rate during the reporting period.

Heart Attack 30-day Readmission Rate

The rate at which patients being treated for heart failure needed to be readmitted to Cedars-Sinai was statistically no different than that of the U.S. national rate during the reporting period.

Heart Failure 30-day Readmission Rate

The rate at which patients being treated for pneumonia needed to be readmitted to Cedars-Sinai was statistically no different than that of the U.S. national rate during the reporting period.

Pneumonia 30-day Readmission Rate

The rate at which patients being treated for COPD needed to be readmitted to Cedars-Sinai was statistically no different than that of the U.S. national rate during the reporting period.

COPD 30-day Readmission Rate
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