Bronwen Jones, MTheol

Bronwen Jones
Cancer Center Chaplain

Bronwen Jones serves as the interfaith chaplain for the Cedars-Sinai Samuel Oschin Cancer Center.

Bronwen has served as the center's chaplain since 2014. During this time, she has developed her deep interest in the existential and spiritual concerns of people from all walks of life whose beliefs and values come from a wide spectrum of religious and nonreligious perspectives. Through her humanistic approach to spiritual care, Bronwen continues to seek insight into the ways a person can tap into their spiritual resources as they face challenges in life.

Bronwen received her master's degree in theology from Loyola Marymount University. This is a second career for Bronwen, who has been a professional musician since age 17. She has performed as an orchestral clarinetist in Australia and New York and has worked as a film composer in Los Angeles. She received an Emmy for her original score for American Public Television's Your Turn to Care series.

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