Apple's Privacy Policy Updates

Our patients' privacy is very important to us. With Apple's iOS 14 updates, you may have noticed new privacy options in the Cedars-Sinai mobile app for access to your photo library and location data. We only use your location data and photos as needed for specific app features to enhance your experience.

You can review your current settings or change them at any time by browsing to Settings > Cedars-Sinai.

Location Tracking

We use your location data in our Medical Center Walking Direction feature for accure, turn-by-turn wayfinding capabilities while you are at our Medical Center. Enabling accurate tracking allows for a more precise navigation experience. Additionally, with our Locations search feature, we use your current location to provide you with the travel distance to our facilities to aid you in choosing a provider.

Our app will not use your location until you have provided permission. The following are options for the location permissions that you can provide to the app. These permissions can be changed at any time by navigating to Settings > Cedars-Sinai > Locations.

  • Allow Once - The app can use your location data for one session. You will be prompted again the next time you use the app. 
  • Allow While Using the App - The app will use your location data and will not prompt you each time unless you delete the app and reinstall it, 
  • Don't Allow - You will not be able to use the features in the app that require location data. You may be promoted to provide location access at a later date when accessing one of the features requiring those permissions.

Photo Library Permissions

The app asks to access your photo library so that you can attach photos and videos to messages sent to your healthcare providers. The app does not access or upload your photos without your knowledge.

These permissions can be changed at any time by navigating to Settings > Cedars-Sinai > Photos.