Art & Healing

Helping Patients and the Community With the Healing Power of Art

Art Spotlight

View highlights from Cedars-Sinai's dynamic collection of artworks that enhance the medical center's walls, plazas and facades.

The Art Experience

Learn how patients, visitors and staff find inspiration, comfort and healing through Cedars-Sinai's unique, art-filled environment.

Community Outreach

Find out about Cedars-Sinai's commitment to therapeutic-arts outreach in the community.

The Healing Gardens at Cedars-Sinai

Open to patients, visitors and staff, the Healing Gardens offer a serene, green experience that soothes the mind, body and soul. Covering 82,500 square feet, the four gardens sit atop two separate concrete decks on the Cedars-Sinai main campus.

Preview Outstanding Works from the Therapeutic Collection

Donate Art to Cedars-Sinai's Collection

If you own fine art that you believe would make a great addition to the Cedars-Sinai therapeutic art collection, or if you're interested in finding out more about donating, we would love to hear from you.

Art & Healing in the News

Cedars-Sinai's commitment to the healing value of art has been recognized worldwide. See a sample of the print and video coverage.